High-Resolution Area Scan 3D Camera Head with Deployment USB Dongle.
Model: 3D-A5060
Key specifications for standard working volume:
Clearance distance: 1400.0 mm
Measurement range: 400.0 mm
Near end FOV: 520 x 390 mm
Far end FOV: 645 x 490 mm
# of 3D points: > 1.5 million
Please build your own PC that meets the minimum requirements including GPU card and 10 Gigabit Ethernet adapter to control a 3D camera and develop vision applications.
Max zorné pole (Max. velikost objektu) (mm)
645 x 490
Vzdálenost od objektu (mm)
Rozsah měření (výška objektu) (mm)
Rozlišení v ose Z (mm)
0.338 - 0.559
Rozlišení v ose XY
0.361 - 0.454
Typ, způsob snímání
Area Scan
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